In the end, as Hillary Clinton's conveyed in her book, "It Takes a Village: And Other Lessons children Teach Us" we parents need to help each other to raise good children to grow into respectable adults. So my friend was honest and shared what was going on. The mother bought a drug test from the local Walgreens and asked her son to do the test. He refused. He whined. He accused his mother of not trusting him. All the while steadfastly refusing to do the drug test. Then the boy went to school and accused the daughter of my friend of being a nark for telling on him. The reality is the daughter had no idea her mother knew; and certainly had no idea what her mother was going to say.
All this brings to mind a couple of thoughts . . .
One, my friend did the absolute right thing. As one parent to another, friend to friend. Her goal was to be supportive and honest with her friend, to help her be an aware mother of what is really up with her child. We all need friends like that. We would "all want to know" if it was our child. We may not like it - but we'd want to know.
Two, the boy is a mess. Not because he's a pothead. He's a mess because he's a liar. He lies to his parents about who he is and what he's doing. He's not trustworthy. As a parent what would be more hurtful than to know that your child is an untrustworthy liar?
Third, the boy is a jerk. He is making the life of another student miserable by accusing her of doing something she didn't do. And rather than take personal responsibility for the fact that he really is a pot-head he's telling everyone that my friends daughter is a jerk.
I guess there would be something more hurtful than knowing that a child is an untrustworthy liar. It would be to have a child that is an irresponsible untrustworthy liar. What a mess. Hopefully he'll grow up - soon.