Dylan Matthews wrote the following
article after Mr. Ryan’s speech at the GOP convention. Mr. Matthews took the
time to research what Mr. Ryan said and determine what was true, false and
After reading what Mr. Matthews wrote and then doing my own checking (factcheck.org) I had a thought.
(Well, actually several thoughts)
But I'll share this one:
The way to attract independents and undecided voters:
1. Tell the truth.
2. Speak in clear language about what will you do to improve / change this country.
3. Don't talk about the other guy. Focus on what you will do.
It's about trust. If I trust you - you've earn my vote.
If you lie or mislead me why on earth would you expect my vote? Who would hire someone that lies to them in the application process? Not me.
In summary:
Mr. Ryan told the truth 2x. He lied 6x. And he made 3 misleading statements. Not good.
Below are excerpts from Mr. Matthews article. You can click the link to his blog and read his full text there.
The True, the False and theMisleading:
Grading Paul Ryan’s Convention Speech
Paul Ryan’s speech did not lack for passion. But do the claims he made hold up? Wonkblog went about
sorting the true from the misleading and the downright false.
“Obama cut Medicare”: TRUE
Ryan blasted the cuts to Medicare
reimbursements and Medicare advantage included in the Affordable Care Act.
“They just took it all away from
Medicare,” Ryan declared. “Seven hundred and sixteen billion dollars, funneled
out of Medicare by President Obama.”
That much is correct – the Affordable
Care Act contained over $700 billion in cuts to Medicare reimbursement rates
and Medicare advantage.
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“Obama didn’t fix the housing
crisis”: TRUE
Ryan claimed Obama’s presidency,
“began with a housing crisis they alone didn’t cause; it ends with a housing
crisis they didn’t correct.”
FACT: Obama did not cause
the financial crisis and the truth is that it has still not fully recovered, as Ezra detailed in a recent column.
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“A GM plant in Ryan’s district shut
down on Obama’s watch.”: FALSE
From Ryan’s speech: . . . A lot of guys I went to high school with
worked at that GM plant. Right there at that plant, candidate Obama said: “I
believe that if our government is there to support you . . . this plant will be here for another hundred
FACT: The plant shut down in June 2008, when George W.
Bush was president.
![]() |
Janesville, Wisconsin Plant Closing - Dec. 23 2008 |
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“The stimulus was the biggest
expenditure in government history.”: FALSE
The stimulus, Paul Ryan writes,
“cost $831 billion – the largest one-time expenditure ever by our federal
FACT: World War II cost $4.1 trillion in 2011 dollars.
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“The Affordable Care Act increases
taxes on millions of small businesses.”: FALSE
Paul Ryan declared that the
Affordable Care Act imposes “new taxes on nearly a million small
The Act changes taxes for small
businesses in 3 ways:
1. Provides a tax
credit (pdf) to subsidize insurance coverage. 1.4 to 4 million small businesses are eligible.
2. Imposes a tax on medical device
manufacturers, of which there are aprox. 5,300 (pdf).
3. Imposes an mandate on businesses that do not provide coverage, which does not affect (pdf) businesses with under 50
FACT: Most small businesses got a tax cut, and the number
of small businesses facing tax increases is about five thousand, far under
a million.
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“The stimulus was full of fraud”:
“The stimulus was a case of political patronage, corporate
welfare, and cronyism at their worst,” Ryan boomed.
According to TIME’s Michael Grunwald, whose new book The New New Deal is the definitive history of the
stimulus, only 0.0001 percent of stimulus funds were wasted on
FACT: Grunwald quotes the stimulus’s head watchdog, Earl Devaney: “ . . . serious fraud just
hasn’t happened.”
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“The Affordable Care Act was a government takeover”: FALSE
”We got a long, divisive, all-or-nothing attempt to put the
federal government in charge of health care,” Ryan stated.
The Affordable Care Act
greatly expands private insurance rather than implementing a truly government-run insurance system.
Fact: As Jonathan Oberlander, a health policy expert at the University
of North Carolina – Chapel Hill, put it, “The label ‘government
takeover’ has no basis in reality, but instead reflects a political dynamic
where conservatives label any increase in government authority in health care
as a ‘takeover.’”
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“Obama doesn’t have a debt plan”: FALSE
Fact: President Obama released a comprehensive debt reduction plan (pdf),
in response to the brewing debate in Congress. Mr. Ryan is incorrect in stating
it does not exist.
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“Obama didn’t support the Bowles-Simpson’s report “: MISLEADING
President Obama created a bipartisan debt commission. Mr. Ryan was on the commission.
They came back with an urgent report,” Ryan stated. “He thanked
them, sent them on their way, and then did exactly nothing.”
Fact: The bipartisan debt commission did not come back with a
report. There were not enough votes to agree upon recommendations, in part due
to opposition from Paul Ryan - a committee member.
Fact: The statement is misleading by implying that Ryan supports the
proposal, when he aggressively opposed it, and by using the third person to
avoid noting that Ryan was on the commission and voted no.
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“Obama caused the debt downgrade”: MISLEADING
Paul Ryan said in his speech that Obama’s presidency “began with a
perfect Triple-A credit rating for the United States; it ends with a downgraded
This implies that Obama was responsible for Standard and Poor’s
downgrading of U.S. debt.
Fact: That is false. The S&P report announcing the
downgrade, made clear that blame rested with House Republicans for
making the debt ceiling increase conditional on deficit reduction.
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“Obama added more to the deficit than any other president”: MISLEADING
“President Obama has added more debt than any other president
before him,” Ryan stated.
As Ezra has explained, the vast majority of
this debt was due either to the Bush tax cuts or the Iraq war, and only a tiny
sliver due to the stimulus and other recovery measures.
FACT: It is misleading to imply that Obama’s policies are primarily
responsible for the size of the deficit.
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My opinion of Rep. Paul Ryan is:
FactCheck.org - http://factcheck.org/2012/08/ryans-vp-spin/