Thursday, April 5, 2012

Will Romney Learn From McCain Epic Failure VP Choice

As a result of spring cleaning I found an old soapbox in the garage, I'm wondering if it works . . . 

The other night I watched HBO's Game Change. It's a documentary about the McCain selection of Sarah Palin, and how she fared during the campaign. Steve Schmidt, McCain’s senior political adviser, and other top campaign operatives were primary sources for the film and they have attested to it's accuracy.

That Palin comes off as a nitwit is no surprise. What shocked me is that the Republican party did nothing. My concern - what is the responsibility of "The Parties" (Republican AND Democratic) to find the best possible potential leaders? And we citizens - we must take responsibility. When we vote in panderers, idiots, narcissists, and incompetence to leadership we get exactly what we deserve.

Illinois, my home state, has an uncanny ability to elect real winners into office. We are the only state in the nation to have two former governors, Democrat Rod Blagojevich and Republican George Ryan, are both serving time in "Club Fed" for crimes they committed while in elected office.  Perhaps the Illinois electorate should have our right to vote taken away. Clearly we are not smart enough to use it appropriately.

Today MSNBC ran a story about Governor Romney and as he begins the process of vetting a VP to run with him that the ghost (perhaps poltergeist) of Palin looms over the process. Perhaps the GOP learned from the McCain failed experiment. Hopefully the GOP gained an understanding of the need to give to Americans the post possible choice as someone to vote for. That pandering and serving a select group will not bring success for the nation.  

As former White House chief of staff John Sununu (and former governor of NH) said "In the end, there is only one imperative: don't blow it."

Indeed. America needs competent leadership. 

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