Tuesday, October 20, 2009

They Said

So the other day my daughter and I were riding in the car. Evidently a look crossed over my face and she asked what was wrong. The question kinda surprised me and I had to pull myself out of that semi-conscious mode I sometimes get in when driving. I had been listening (somewhat) to the local news station WBBM NewsRadio 78 and there was some story about a politician whining about the Health Care proposal floating around DC and that it would bankrupt Medicare. Besides being full of bull puckie the politician didn't offer an alternative solution - just whined about what was proposed.

So I turned to my daughter and told her there are two types of people in this world. The first points to a house that is on fire and tells everyone "the house is on fire". They mistake their talking as having done their job. The second type of person is the one that grabs a hose, makes a call to 911, helps people get out of the house. I told her to be the person who acts rather than talks.

I wish our "leaders" in DC and throughout the country would do more and talk less.

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