Sunday, October 28, 2007

another ride in the car

Awhile back, lots of years really, my wife was driving the kids to day care. My daughter, 17 months younger than my son, had a stick of some sorts in her hand. She waved it at her brother and said "poof you are a frog". Shrieking my son says, "Mommy, no. Tell her no. I do not want to be a frog." To which my daughter replied, "Poof, you are a frog.". Again her older brother complains that he does not want to be a frog. As my wife pulls into the parking spot she tells our son; "Don't worry - you are not a frog." As the car stops she hears my daughter whisper, "Poof. You ARE a frog." And thus my wife had to explain why my son had tears in his eyes as they walked into day care.

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